Northern Research

A community of researcher focused on hydrological basins where
snow, ice and frozen ground have a dominant role in the hydrological cycle

Northern Research Basins

The overall objective of the NRB Working Group is to encourage research in hydrological basins in cold regions where snow, ice and frozen ground have a dominant role in the hydrological cycle.

Over the years, the objectives of the NRB Working Group have evolved to include the following:

 Focus on Climate Warming

Since the NRB’s inception, climate warming has developed as a major scientific issue of direct importance to cold regions hydrology and water science throughout the circumpolar region. From the perspective of the Indigenous communities of cold regions, climate warming has introduced new and troubling uncertainties in regards to the future quantity and quality of water resources.  In recent years there is a growing realization that climate warming adaptation strategies are most successful if the communities directly affected play a leading role in their development and application. 


Upcoming events

 In 2025 NRB is celebrating a 50 year anniversary.

Thus, in August 2025, there will be an anniversary Workshop & Symposia.
This event will take place in Norway from 18th - 22nd of August. Look here for more information

